It's like the after credits scene of Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Thank you to everyone who ever listened to us and all of the friends we made doing this.
Episode 158 - Switch Pro Or Else (Games, Coffee, Cats, Etc.)
It's Gone Awkward baby. You think we talk about games? We do. You think we talk about Nuts About Beans? We Do.
Episode 157 - Cease and Desist (Kingma and Nato)
Where are our lawyers? Follow us at @awkpause
Sam Kingma- @thedailysamk
Nato - @Iknownato
Episode 156 - Lightning Round (Second Extinction, MLB The Show, Catherine, Short Guy Simulator)
Enjoy ;)
Episode 155 - Night Vision (Baseball, Mario, Risk of Rain 2, Pacman 99)
Guess who's back... back again... not Cass... But Sam. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause. Tell 2 friends about the show. Tell 3 enemies about the show.
Episode 154 - Short Monster Hunters
The boys talk Baseball and Monster Hunter this week. Also, the episode was late so what Kingma? Follow us on Twitter @AwkPause
Episode 153 - The Royal Gamers
The boys discuss which Royal is a gamer. Follow us @AwkPause or else.
Episode 152 - The Morality Spectrum of MinecraftTubers (Minecraft, Persona 5, Nintendo Direct)
In true Gone Gold fashion we lost 18 minutes of content and had to start over, so you'll never hear the killer joke we made about Minecraft Youtubers. Sorry. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause
Episode 151 - Wendy's Four for Four (Fast Food, Four in February, Hitman 3)
The Three Amigos of Video Game Podcasting strikes again... Follow us on Twitter @awkpause and tell your friends about us
Episode 150 - The 2020 Gordos
Third time’s a charm and episode 150 to boot. Thanks to everyone for sticking with us over the past 3+ years. These aren’t our Gordos, they’re your Gordos. Follow us on Twitter and tell us your own Randy Pitchford moment of 2020 @awkpause
Episode 149 - This Ones For You Wags (Persona 5, Pokerstars VR, Yakuza Like a Dragon, Factorio)
Gordos are next week barring any crisis in the US that warrants us to wait a week. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause
Episode 148 - Gamers Love Cyberpunk 2077
We received many messages from gamers. Thanks as always for listening. @awkpause
Episode 147 - WOOPER Watch (ft. Sam Kingma aka JJE)
Alternate Titles for this episode:
A New King
A Tight 20 Minutes
Nuts about Beans Chili Edition
Vin Diesel’s Vin Diesel
Thanks as always to our judge jury and executioner
Episode 146 - TGKGGNGVGAPCv3
Sorry gamers Plastic Santa is delaying Cyberpunk again. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause and catch us live next week on twitch watching The Game Awards at
Episode 145 - Snubbed (Pure Romance, The Game Awards)
Only Dan Bongino can listen to this episode. I don't make the rules sorry. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause
Episode 144 - Blowin Thicc Clouds (Xbox Series X, FEAR, Civ6, FUSER)
Do we need to say more? Follow us on Twitter @awkpause
Episode 143 - Mental Health Break
There's an extra special guest. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause.
Episode 142 - The House Always Wins (Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76, No More Heroes, Zelda AOC)
A Pilk Bet is made on behalf of Cass. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause.
Episode 141 - Tenent on PSP Emulator on Modded Vita (Hypnospace Outlaw, Vita, AOC x Among Us)
Sam is going to be a vtuber. Follow us on Twitter @awkpause
Episode 140 - P I L K B E T
If you're reading this tweet at @sargentcass to tell him to play Among Us.